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Google Tutorial at a glance 

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a free online advertising program. Dedicated to website publishers, it generates income through the dissemination of targeted ads. The publisher benefits from advertising displays on its website, in the form of texts or graphic designs. This Google monetization service allows publishers to earn anywhere from a few cents to a few thousand dollars per month.

Google Tutorial at a Glance

Google Adwords

Google Adwords is software that allows you to promote your business, regardless of your budget. Indeed, Google Adwords only charges when Internet users click on the ads. The ads are served on Google and its advertising network. The ad contains keywords related to the advertiser's activity. When a person performs a search, they will find, in addition to the list of results, advertising results related to the keywords. This advertising would be very effective, because it makes it possible to target Internet users according to the research carried out. From a commercial point of view, this service allows the advertiser to manage his budget well. If the click rate is exceeded, the ad no longer appears until the next day.

Google Analytics

Google analytics is a free website audience analysis service. This program generates data over any period. It includes the number of visitors, what are the pages viewed, the total duration of visits this web analytics tool also allows you to view which keywords generate the most traffic, but also to access details on referring sites. A geolocation system allows you to see the number of Internet users according to their country, regions or cities. Regarding advertising revenue, it is possible to have statistics on advertising revenue by coupling this service to that of Google AdSense.

Google Earth 

In 2D or 3D, Google Earth makes it possible to visualize the world. Virtual world map, this service offers images of surprising quality. Some places are less covered than others, but large cities have such precise images that you can see the smallest details of the city. Like Google Maps, it is possible to create an itinerary, and to view additional information (restaurants, hotels, street names, roads).

Google Drive

This service is based on collaborative work and sharing. An office automation and online storage service, Google Drive allows users to modify, share or make documents public in real time. An office suite accessible with a simple Internet connection.

Google Alerts

This service is used to notify the Internet user by email of new results that correspond to the terms they are looking for. This notification may follow the re-posting of an article, as Google Alerts is linked to Google News.

Google Blogger (Blogspot)

Google acquired Blogger in 2003. It is a free hosting service that allows the publication of articles. It allows anyone to create their blog thanks to its simple use. The user can then change the design of their blog. Its interface allows you to post remotely, manage content and comments.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a free research site that brings together scientific articles, university theses, citations, journals or scientific books. This tool is easy to use. This site indexes the majority of online journals (previously submitted to proofreading committees) but the relevance of the research is not at the level of a traditional database.

Google Calendar

This application is Google Calendar. It is possible to share its events and Calendar on the Internet or on its website. Calendars are saved and accessible via any browser. However, you must have a google account to be able to use this function. Several functions are available via Google Desktop (events), google Docs (attach documents). On the same principle as Google Docs, it is possible to add users to calendars so that they can access them and make changes.

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